Strategy # 1: Thetanuts

This stablecoin farming strategy routes liquidity through three components: the FX AMM, the Lending Market and Thetanutโ€™s Stronghold options trading index product.

ActionPossible Yield

Add liquidity (Single-sided or Multi-sided) to any of our pools (i.e. xSGD:USDC Pool)

(+) ~5% target variable APR earned from trading fees.

Highly dependent on trading activity per pool.

Deposit BPT token to Xaveโ€™s lending market as collateral

Use BPT token as collateral

Borrow USDC from Xaveโ€™s lending market

(-) % variable interest rate to be paid to the lender.

Highly dependent on demand for USDC in the Xave lending market.

Swap USDC to indexUSDC

(+) ~20% variable APR from Thetanuts USDC vault

Last updated