
How to test:

⚠️ Please contact any of our team members so we can send test tokens to your addresses

Polygon Mainnet fork / Buildbear

⚠️ The RPC URL is updated regularly. Please always check for the updated RPC URL on this page when testing in Polygon Mainnet Fork.

🦊 Add this RPC your Metamask: RPC URL: https://rpc.buildbear.io/olympic-kit-fisto-40004d73 Chain Id: 137 Explorer URL: https://explorer.buildbear.io/xclabs/transactions Faucet URL: https://explorer.buildbear.io/olympic-kit-fisto-40004d73/transactions Use the faucet to send the tokens needed to your address. Refer to the token addresses below:

  USDC: '0x2791Bca1f2de4661ED88A30C99A7a9449Aa84174',
  XSGD: '0xDC3326e71D45186F113a2F448984CA0e8D201995',
  DAI: '0x8f3Cf7ad23Cd3CaDbD9735AFf958023239c6A063',
  EURS: '0xE111178A87A3BFf0c8d18DECBa5798827539Ae99',
  USDT: '0xc2132D05D31c914a87C6611C10748AEb04B58e8F',
  'bb-a-usd': '0x48e6B98ef6329f8f0A30eBB8c7C960330d648085', // balancer ComposableStablePool

Once added, follow the steps listed below for Add Liquidity and Swap, but connect to the Polygon Mainnet Fork network you’ve just added.

πŸ’° Add/Remove Liquidity

  1. Connect your wallet (Metamask) to Polygon Mainnet fork / Buildbear

  2. Go to the /pool page

  3. You should be able to see the following pools

  4. Click on the "Manage" button.

  5. To add liquidity click the "Add Liquidity" tab.

  6. To remove liquidity, click the "Remove Liquidity" tab

πŸ’± Swap

  1. Connect your wallet (Metamask) to Polygon Mainnet fork / Buildbear

  2. Go to the /pool page

  3. Make sure β€œAmmV2” is selected

  4. Try to swap any of the available tokens

🚧 Coming Soon - Sepolia Deployment

Contract Addresses used in Polygon Mainnet Fork
// Contract Addresses Used:

oracles: {
     USDC: '0xfE4A8cc5b5B2366C1B58Bea3858e81843581b2F7',
     EURS: '0x73366Fe0AA0Ded304479862808e02506FE556a98',
     XSGD: '0x8CE3cAc0E6635ce04783709ca3CC4F5fc5304299',
     DAI: '0x4746DeC9e833A82EC7C2C1356372CcF2cfcD2F3D',
     USDT: '0x0A6513e40db6EB1b165753AD52E80663aeA50545',
     'bb-a-usd': '0x7111a302b929d14a323b489f234ef912903bf374'

const tokens = {
 USDC: '0x2791Bca1f2de4661ED88A30C99A7a9449Aa84174',
 XSGD: '0xDC3326e71D45186F113a2F448984CA0e8D201995',
 DAI: '0x8f3Cf7ad23Cd3CaDbD9735AFf958023239c6A063',
 EURS: '0xE111178A87A3BFf0c8d18DECBa5798827539Ae99',
 USDT: '0xc2132D05D31c914a87C6611C10748AEb04B58e8F',
 'bb-a-usd': '0x48e6B98ef6329f8f0A30eBB8c7C960330d648085', // balancer ComposableStablePool
 'bb-a-USDC': '0xF93579002DBE8046c43FEfE86ec78b1112247BB8', // balancer USDC:aUSDC AaveLinearPool
 'bb-a-DAI': '0x178E029173417b1F9C8bC16DCeC6f697bC323746', // balancer DAI:aDAI AaveLinearPool
 'bb-a-USDT': '0xFf4ce5AAAb5a627bf82f4A571AB1cE94Aa365eA6' // balancer USDT:aUSDT AaveLinearPool

const fxPools = {
 'LP_XSGD_bb-a-usd': '0x2c7223699099ca6785a9da783ededfca5218bd27',
 'LP_EURS_bb-a-usd': '0x70bbCeB61B5dD6645aABa80693B0078aee18E2e9'

const poolIds = {

Last updated