How to Test PHPT:USDC on Sepolia Testnet
This page illustrates how to test the PHPT-USDC FX pool in Sepolia testnet, using mock tokens.
Last updated
This page illustrates how to test the PHPT-USDC FX pool in Sepolia testnet, using mock tokens.
Last updated
First, be sure to install
These are the steps required before you can test the PHPT-USDC or XSGD-USDC FX pools. Optionally, you can reach out to our team to send the tokens needed to your address.
Add Sepolia to your Metamask
By default, testnets are not shown in Metamask.
Open Metamask from your browser
Click the network dropdown
On the "Select a network" modal, make sure that "Show test networks" is switched on
Select Sepolia from the network list.
You will be connected to the Sepolia network.
Test ETH tokens
You'll need test ETH tokens to cover for gas fees. You can acquire test ETH from any Sepolia faucet, and for this tutorial we'll use Chainlink's Sepolia faucet(
Click "Connect Wallet" to connect your Metamask wallet
Input your wallet address
Make sure that "0.1 Test ETH" box is checked
You may be asked to login to "Twitter" (for verification purposes), input your Twitter username and password
Check "I am human" to verify the captcha
Click "Send request"
Check the ETH balance in your wallet.
Issue some FX Pool mock tokens
You'll need to issue PHPT and USDC in order to add liquidity:
Go to
Click "Connect wallet" to connect your Metamask wallet
Click "Issue" from the main menu to go to issue page
Switch to "Sepolia" network
Select a token to issue (PHPT, USDC)
On the "Issue" section, input the amount to mint
Click "Issue" button
Confirm the transaction from your Metamask
On some occasions, you may want to transfer or redeem mock tokens.
Transfer mock tokens
Go to
Click "Connect wallet" to connect your Metamask wallet
Click "Issue" from the main menu to go to issue page
Switch to "Sepolia" network
Select a token to transfer (PHPT, USDC)
On the "Transfer" section, input the amount to transfer and the address of the recipient
Click "Transfer" button
Confirm the transaction from your Metamask
Redeem mock tokens
Go to
Click "Connect wallet" to connect your Metamask wallet
Click "Issue" from the main menu to go to issue page
Switch to "Sepolia" network
Select a token to mint (PHPT, USDC)
On the "Redeem" section, input the amount to redeem
Click "Redeem" button
Confirm the transaction from your Metamask
Now you are ready to test any of the FXPools by adding liquidity and swapping tokens. On this tutorial, we will test adding liquidity to the PHPT-USDC pool and swapping PHPT to XSGD.
Add Liquidity
Add liquidity to the PHPT-USDC pool using "two-sided" deposit.
Go to the pool page
Use the network switcher on the upper right portion of the site to connect to "Sepolia"
Select PHPT/USDC pool and click Manage
Select the Add Liquidity tab
Take note - this screenshot illustrates adding liquidity at the 50:50 LP ratio (that looks like the FX rate), however please note that this ratio may change.
Enter the amount of liquidity youβd like to provide and choose the amount of slippage tolerance
Click "Supply" button
Add Liquidity Details window will pop up, click "Confirm Supply"
Confirm the transactions from Metamask
Swap PHPT to XSGD.
Go to the swap page
Use the network switcher on the upper right portion of the site to connect to "Sepolia"
Select "PHPT" from the "from" token
Select "XSGD" from the "to" token
Input the swap amount
Click "swap" button
Confirm the transaction from Metamask.
You can click on the cog icon to open the "Transaction Settings" window to set Slippage Tolerance and Transaction Deadline settings.
Slippage tolerance - the transaction will not go through if the price changes more than the value selected.
Transaction deadline - the transaction will not go through if the transaction has been pending for more than the period specified (in minutes).
Official Chainlink Oracle
Mock Oracle deployed by Xave
Mock Oracle deployed by Xave