
How to test:

⚠️ Please contact any of our team members so we can send test tokens to your addresses


💰 Add/Remove Liquidity

  1. Connect your wallet (Metamask) to Goerli

  2. Go to the /pool page

  3. You should be able to see these pools.

💱 Swap

  1. Connect your wallet (Metamask) to Goerli

  2. Go to the /pool page

  3. Make sure “AmmV2” is selected

  4. Try to swap any of the available tokens

Polygon Mainnet Fork

⚠️ The RPC URL is updated regularly. Please always check for the updated RPC URL on this page when testing in Polygon Mainnet Fork.

🦊 Add this RPC your Metamask: RPC URL: https://rpc.buildbear.io/yappiest-c-3po-b28b78e9 Chain Id: 137 Explorer URL: https://explorer.buildbear.io/yappiest-c-3po-b28b78e9/transactions Faucet URL: https://faucet.buildbear.io/yappiest-c-3po-b28b78e9

Once added, follow the steps listed above for Add Liquidity and Swap, but connect to the Polygon Mainnet Fork network you’ve just added.

🚧 Coming Soon - Sepolia Deployment

Contract Addresses used in Polygon Mainnet Fork
// Contract Addresses Used:

oracles: {
     USDC: '0xfE4A8cc5b5B2366C1B58Bea3858e81843581b2F7',
     EURS: '0x73366Fe0AA0Ded304479862808e02506FE556a98',
     XSGD: '0x8CE3cAc0E6635ce04783709ca3CC4F5fc5304299',
     DAI: '0x4746DeC9e833A82EC7C2C1356372CcF2cfcD2F3D',
     USDT: '0x0A6513e40db6EB1b165753AD52E80663aeA50545',
     'bb-a-usd': '0x7111a302b929d14a323b489f234ef912903bf374'

const tokens = {
 USDC: '0x2791Bca1f2de4661ED88A30C99A7a9449Aa84174',
 XSGD: '0xDC3326e71D45186F113a2F448984CA0e8D201995',
 DAI: '0x8f3Cf7ad23Cd3CaDbD9735AFf958023239c6A063',
 EURS: '0xE111178A87A3BFf0c8d18DECBa5798827539Ae99',
 USDT: '0xc2132D05D31c914a87C6611C10748AEb04B58e8F',
 'bb-a-usd': '0x48e6B98ef6329f8f0A30eBB8c7C960330d648085', // balancer ComposableStablePool
 'bb-a-USDC': '0xF93579002DBE8046c43FEfE86ec78b1112247BB8', // balancer USDC:aUSDC AaveLinearPool
 'bb-a-DAI': '0x178E029173417b1F9C8bC16DCeC6f697bC323746', // balancer DAI:aDAI AaveLinearPool
 'bb-a-USDT': '0xFf4ce5AAAb5a627bf82f4A571AB1cE94Aa365eA6' // balancer USDT:aUSDT AaveLinearPool

const fxPools = {
 'LP_XSGD_bb-a-usd': '0x2c7223699099ca6785a9da783ededfca5218bd27',
 'LP_EURS_bb-a-usd': '0x70bbCeB61B5dD6645aABa80693B0078aee18E2e9'

const poolIds = {

Last updated


Change request updated