Last updated
Last updated
⚠️ Please contact any of our team members so we can send test tokens to your addresses
💰 Add/Remove Liquidity
Connect your wallet (Metamask) to Goerli
Go to the /pool page
You should be able to see these pools.
💱 Swap
Connect your wallet (Metamask) to Goerli
Go to the /pool page
Make sure “AmmV2” is selected
Try to swap any of the available tokens
⚠️ The RPC URL is updated regularly. Please always check for the updated RPC URL on this page when testing in Polygon Mainnet Fork.
🦊 Add this RPC your Metamask: RPC URL: https://rpc.buildbear.io/yappiest-c-3po-b28b78e9 Chain Id: 137 Explorer URL: https://explorer.buildbear.io/yappiest-c-3po-b28b78e9/transactions Faucet URL: https://faucet.buildbear.io/yappiest-c-3po-b28b78e9
Once added, follow the steps listed above for Add Liquidity and Swap, but connect to the Polygon Mainnet Fork network you’ve just added.
Coming Soon - Sepolia Deployment